6 Tips to Focus your Inspiration
When searching the Internet, I have found numerous sites that explain how to get inspired, but what happens when you are like me. One of the hardest things for me to accomplish is to focus my inspirations. I am constantly bombarded by my surroundings with inspiration. My husband is a talented photographer and my children are all musically talented. Just being around them activates my creative juices. I tend to have too many projects going at one time and it seems that I can never complete one project before ten more pop into my head. If you are like me, then these tips may help you.
- I take a walk to clear your head.
I have discovered that getting outside to explore my neighborhood is not only good for my health, it clears my head. My head is frequently cluttered with ideas that do not seem to make it to the drawing board. When I walk, I do not think of anything other than not tripping over my own two feet.
- I take my camera out.
Although I am not the photographer in the house, I find that taking pictures relaxes me. When I am not pressed to finish a project, taking a break to do things that make me happy enables me to have a fresh outlook on the project. I enjoy sharing and posting in my blog so taking pictures that people are free to download and use is a good combination. I have several collections that I will be posting on my blog free to download.
- I take a hot bath or shower.
I take a hot bath to relax. When working on a stressful project I find that bathing helps calm my nerves to get my head back into the project with a new outlook.
- Talk with other creative people.
I look to others for help often. When I am working and getting frustrated with my work, I ask someone else to help. I do not have to have the glory to say that I did it all. There have been times when colleges have steered me into a totally different direction that turned out to be the best move. When I get stuck on a project that is going nowhere, I ask for opinions even if their opinion is not what I want to hear.
- Clear your plate.
I work from home so it is absolutely impossible for me to finish a project without getting distracted with housework. Now, if you know me then you would know that my house is not spotless and just because I am distracted does not mean that I will quit working to clean the house. But I do find that if my house is clean, I get more work done in a shorter time frame. So I suggest that you clean before you set down to do a job.
- Leave a project.
I have found that leaving a project sometimes even for days helps me get a new outlook on the project. For example, when I am writing, I write, and then I leave it. When I come back in a couple of days, I am able to edit myself to the point that I am comfortable with others reading it. You can only work on a project so long before all the words run together. I have several blogging ideas that I start and then leave in a folder until I am ready to reread and post. It helps me sometimes come up with even more ideas.
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