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5 Simple Exercises that you can do while on Facebook

5 Simple Exercises that you can do while on Facebook

I have my own Internet web design company and I am constantly at my desk in front of the computer. I never seem to get enough exercise and I really do not want my butt to get any bigger than what it is. So I started doing some very simple things that are actually starting to help!

  • When I get up to get a cup of coffee, I walk around the house three times. From my desk, I can stand and walk from room to room and end up back where I started. I take my time and pick up dishes that the kids leave in each room or take a dust rag with me and do a quick dusting. I did not think that this would help but I was surprised. I bought a pedometer. I have increased my steps by two miles a day!
  • I keep a jar of Cheesy Ragu sauce on my desk. Why do you ask? I use it as a weight to do arm curls. It weighs exactly 1 pound. I could go out and buy small hand weights but I was too cheap. I make due with what I have. I sit and do the arm curls while I am researching new articles or playing on Facebook.
  • I use the same jar and do whole arm lifts. This helps with my shoulder and upper arm muscles. It also helps relieve the stiff muscles that I get around my neck when I am at the desk all day.
  • If you sit on the edge of your chair, you can do leg lifts. I do one leg at a time because I do not have the balance to do both. After doing about 25 lifts, you can feel the muscles in your stomach and legs are getting a workout. I am now up to 50 lifts per leg three times a day.
  • I have put a fairly thick book at my feet. I put my toes on the very edge and do leg lifts from this position. This works the bottom half of your legs. We used to do these in school. It really uses the muscles in the front and back of your calves. If you do it while standing, try to keep your heels off the floor. You will be sore the next day!
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