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Learning Illustrator

Learning Illustrator

I have been trying to increase my Adobe Illustrator skills and learning new fun ways to enhance my web design and development. I have been watching YouTube videos and working right alongside the video as instruction. I have found that if I watch the video tutorial first without trying to do the illustration, then walking step by step, hitting pause when I need it, I am learning how to do it easier.

This video is by Arumadigital, sorry to say it is not in English, but I learned so much from him. I watched the video completely. Then, copied what he was doing as he was doing it, just changing colors and size of the illustration. I was able to hit pause and work in small sections to get it right. I found that I had to re-watched sections to get what he was doing. Even though there was a language barrier, I think I did a great job. I added a collar and a pair of sunglasses to mine.


Learning Illustrator

After doing that, I took my learned skills further. I found an outlined drawing of Disney's Bolt on the internet. I used it to outline my drawing to see if I could draw him. Below you will see what I came up with. I think I am on my way to becoming an illustrator!

Special thanks to Arumadigital for supplying some great tutorials on YouTube. I hope to learn more from you soon.

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