Happy Pi Day 3.14
I have always thought of myself as pretty intelligent but I have a confession. I had never heard of Pi Day before last year, when I received an invitation to a Pi Day party from the parents of one of my twins’ friends. The invite included the requirements to bring a pie. I did not go. I kind of thought it was ridiculous to celebrate Pi Day.
This year I have seen many clues proving again that today is Pi Day; I have seen pies on Google, Facebook and Bing. After seeing it everywhere I visited today, I concluded I should read about it. Pi Day is celebrating π: 3.14. They apparently celebrate by eating or throwing pie. Larry Shaw was the original organizer of the first Pi Day celebration at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, was known as “the Prince of Pi!” (His picture is from the Pi website http://www.pi314.net/)
Even after reading about it, I am not sure what the big hubbub is all about. I eat pie whenever I feel like it. I do not need a day set aside to indulge. The most likely day that everyone should be celebrating will fall next year in 2015. In the year 2015, Pi Day will have special significance on 3/14/15 at 9:26:53 a.m. and p.m., with the date and time representing the first 10 digits of π. Now that is a very good reason to celebrate. It only falls once every 100 years.
Leave me a message and tell me how you celebrate Pi Day. Or are you like me and think it is a pretty stupid reason to mark your calendar?
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